Seeking personal satisfaction, continuous learning, and growth in our professional and personal lives, and financial stability. Engaging in creative or intellectually challenging activities that foster ongoing development and monitoring wellness. By Jon Tynjala, LCL I play the tenor sax. I love playing music. Jazz, specifically. If I could go back and pick a different career, jazz musician … [Read more...]
Proposed Diversion Rule for Minnesota Lawyers
by Jon Tynjala, Esq. In 2022, at the request and invitation of the Minnesota Supreme Court, a team from the American Bar Association Standing Committee on Professional Regulation conducted a thorough review of the Minnesota Rules on Professional Responsibility (“Rules”) and issued its report to the Minnesota Supreme Court in September of that same year (“ABA Report”). The Report made several … [Read more...]
New Laws in Minnesota: What is Cannabis Use Disorder?
The legalization of recreational marijuana in Minnesota and many other states has led some to conclude that the use of cannabis is always safe. And some have even (falsely) claimed that marijuana is not addictive. It is true that most people that use marijuana from time to time can do so safely and without significant physical or mental health complications. However, it has been estimated that as … [Read more...]