In 2006, my largest client went out of business. I could not absorb the 80% gross revenue decline caused by this closure. As a result, I went into foreclosure proceedings leading to the loss of my home followed by bankruptcy. In addition, the Lawyers Professional Responsibility Board filed a petition against me. I later learned that LCL received a courtesy copy of the petition when it went public because they too sent me a letter. LCL’s letter offered help.
LCL called at just the right time. LCL offered me the opportunity to meet with a mental health professional, attorney mentors, and attend a mental health support group. Through that group, I also received the names of experienced attorneys who understood mental health issues and one of them represented me in my case before the Lawyers Professional Responsibility Board. I was able to keep my license and was placed on probation. I have regularly attended the meetings of the LCL support group. It was reassuring to know that other attorneys were struggling with similar issues. The group provided suggestions for how to deal with many of my stressors.
This support helped me turn the downward spiral around. LCL made sure I was doing okay and getting the services I needed. The follow up calls I received helped me feel appreciated and needed as a person. I rely on LCL for most of my support. But for that letter, I might not be here today. LCL helps give me the ability to keep working.