Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers stands with others in our profession and across the nation and world in condemning anti-Asian bigotry and violence. This, along with other conduct and rhetoric causes trauma today and contributes to trauma through generations.
Research shows that bias and bigotry in all forms, implicit or explicit, undermine the justice our profession strives to deliver and how well we are able to do our work. We cannot do our best thinking when threatened, undermined, or questioned because of race, gender, a presumption of disability,
or other areas that result in discrimination. We cannot do our best work when we see someone through a racial, gender, age, sexual orientation, or disability lens instead of as who they are. To say that racism and bigotry are a threat to our well-being may seem trite until you consider that the lack of well-being leads to serious mental health challenges including thoughts of suicide. LCL is committed to building and supporting well-being and resilience in our legal community.
We feel sad, angry, helpless, disappointed, sick, and more. We are traumatized. Talking about and processing these feelings is important for healing and these emotions can help us commit to working for equity and understanding in our legal and larger community. Please see MNAPABA’s Anti-AAPI Racism Resources page to learn more about what’s happening in the Minnesota legal community.
LCL is available to provide support however we can. Counselors are available 24/7 if you need someone to talk to. There is much work to be done and LCL is here to help.