Whatever a law student, lawyer, judge or concerned person shares with us is strictly confidential. Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers has no reporting relationship with any other organization, individual or group. We do not and will not disclose the names or any other identifying information of our clients to the Minnesota State Bar Association, the Minnesota Supreme Court, the Minnesota Office of Lawyers Professional Responsibility, the Minnesota Board of Law Examiners, the Judicial Standards Board, the law school (in the case of law students), the client’s family or employer, or any other organization or individual for any purpose at any time. We do not monitor on behalf of any disciplinary or licensing board or organization.
We do not discuss our clients with LCL member/volunteers unless they are working with the client in a supporting role and then only when this assistance has been expressly requested and discussion is necessary to the services we are providing. Our members understand and support the professional character of our organization and are completely committed to maintaining strict confidentiality.
AllOne Health (formerly Sand Creek), our counseling partner who provides our assessments, short-term counseling and referrals to other services, is bound by the confidentiality provisions of Minnesota law. As an employee assistance program (EAP) they provide guidance but not diagnoses and are not a medical provider.
If a person contacts AllOne Health directly, AllOne Health staff will not reveal any information to LCL without express written authorization.
In May 2006, the LCL Board of Directors reaffirmed the policy of absolute confidentiality. The entire policy may be read here.
For any questions about our Confidentiality Policy, please contact the Executive Director.