Mother Nature occasionally packs quite a punch. For example, tornados often leave a wide path of destruction in their wake. Sometimes, in the news reports from areas affected by a tornado, we’ll see a neighborhood through which a tornado traveled seemingly haphazardly, leaving some places untouched while destroying others.
This phenomenon is a fitting metaphor for how trauma works in our lives. Two people, outwardly identical, can experience the same event at the same time. One may be traumatized by the event, while the other is seemingly unaffected.
Trauma is a unique reaction to an event, situation, or circumstance. It is as unique as each of us is. We often talk about trauma as an instance in which our minds are overwhelmed and incapable of integrating or processing the event; we literally can’t deal with it and respond appropriately at the moment.
Sometimes, we feel like we’re the only ones, as though our house is the only one on the block the tornado destroyed. While that can indeed be the case, more often, it seems that, once we get a look inside the other houses, we find concealed damage not visible from the outside.
Some people fall apart from a traumatic experience; many others suffer in silence.
LCL helps Minnesota legal professionals with any issue causing stress or distress in their lives – including trauma. Calls are answered 24/7/365. We can help.