As emotions wash over us, individually and collectively, we may be surprised that our answer is “actually, not that well.” When we wait for something that is difficult or stressful, we’re on edge. We hold our breaths. Then it’s like a dam that bursts. The flood that releases, carries all the hurt with it, but it doesn’t necessarily wash away. There is still a wound that needs to heal. The listening and support sessions LCL is sponsoring with others provide one step as we heal.
Over the past weeks, the world has watched Minnesota lawyers and judges at their best. Our profession is on the front lines. Many of us have stood in similar places and recognize the feelings of trepidation and hope as a judge considers options or a jury walks in. This is our profession at its best: when there is tremendous trauma in our society. Our profession carries this trauma as well and it is critical that our profession support what is necessary for us to all do our best work. For some that is counseling and treatment. For others, it is a willingness to listen to us about how we can do our best work. For all of us, it is self-care. These racial trauma resources provide some options.
Whether through intention or because we feel a sense of relief, releasing our breath is when we may notice how stressed we have been. This is sometimes when we need help the most. Remember, LCL is here to help you with any issue that causes stress or distress. Call us. We’ll help.