This year’s theme is Mental Health Care for All: Let’s make it a Reality. Due to COVID-19 and other challenges, our mental health has been affected in ways we never would have imagined. At the same time, our profession and others are finding ways to prioritize mental health as we make personal and professional decisions for our future. There is no question that everyone is impacted so we no longer need to pretend that we’re not struggling. No one would believe us.
For legal employers, there is a business case for prioritizing mental health. In the US, the cost of lost productivity due to anxiety and depression alone exceeds $1 trillion each year. There is also a cost to morale when people are not supported in getting the help they need to do their best work.
If you have an increased level of persistent sadness, if you have difficulty concentrating, if you’ve lost interest in what you usually care about, you may be experiencing depression. Therapy, medication, and support can make a difference.
If you find yourself more angry than usual, if you’re noticing that you’re more tense than normal or experiencing racing or unwanted thoughts, or if you’re heart is racing or you’re sweating excessively, you may be experiencing anxiety. Therapy, medications, mindfulness and other well-being techniques, and support can help.
Our profession experiences depression and anxiety at a higher rate than the population as a whole. While we can reduce our risk with well-being practices, we must support each other. LCL can help you get started. Mental Health Care for All: Let’s make it a Reality.