Upcoming CLEs
Clients in Crisis: Helping Yourself, Helping Your Clients
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
12:00 – 1:00 p.m. via Zoom
1.0 Hour Ethics credit (applied for)
Presenter: Chase Andersen, J.D.
Attorneys are expected to manage their own emotions while simultaneously being sensitive and responsive to their clients. This program will identify normal feelings, reactions, and behaviors, and recognize when they are cause for concern. For some clients, reactions may rise to the level of impairment. Impairment comes in many forms, including substance use, addiction, or other mental impairments. It is not a lawyer’s job to diagnose, yet a lawyer must act accordingly. What is the lawyer’s role, responsibility, and opportunity when working with a potentially impaired client? What if the issue is not with a client but with a colleague? The answers are seldom simple and never easy. This program will provide an ethical framework as well as practical guidance and resources for lawyers facing these questions.
Advance Registration is required, register Here.
Access the LCL February 2025 CLE Flyer.
Recovery Support Meetings
LCL has a long history of supporting recovery through many avenues, although our roots are in the 12 Step tradition. While these listed groups are not “official” LCL groups, LCL does provide space and technological support for these weekly Recovery Support meetings.
Mondays, except holidays, at 12:15 p.m. This hybrid (phone and in person) meeting follows the traditional 12 Steps framework.
Call 651-646-5590 or 866-525-6466 or email us for information.
Please click here for other meeting links.
LCL Connection Groups
LCL offers several check-in and support opportunities via Zoom videoconferencing. Open our LCL Resources and Connections for more information and joining instructions.
- The Path to Well-Being Group, every Thursday, 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
- Solo/Small Practice Connections Group – This group offers support and discussion opportunities for solo and small group practitioners on how to manage the unique stressors of practicing law and managing a small or solo practice. Interested? Please email us for information.
Effective January 1, 2025, Sand Creek EAP was rebranded under the name AllOne Health.
Insights Newsletter
Viewing Conflict Constructively
“Conflict” typically gets a bad rap—and for good reason. When left unaddressed or unresolved, it can interfere with your health, relationships, mood, productivity, and so much more. A healthier approach is to address the conflict thoughtfully, mindfully, and constructively. View it as an opportunity to solve problems, make positive changes, and move forward, stronger than before.
Learn more in this month’s article, “How to Use Conflict to Drive Positive Change.”
In this month’s newsletter, dive into resources such as the latest video, Understanding and Recognizing Conflict; Upcoming webinars: Increasing Mental Toughness and Strategies for Managing Conflict; for Leaders, Let’s Normalize Conflict and Tension to Build Stronger Workplaces, and for Students, Conflict Resolution 101.
AllOne Health (formerly Sand Creek EAP) Wellness Resources
AllOne Health provides numerous resources covering a wide range of topics on its website. You can set up your own free account and access them on your own schedule. Click here to visit their site. Click the “Member Portal & App” button to sign in or create your new account. When creating your account, use “lawyers” as the Company Access Code.
LCL Article on Grief and Loss
Chase Andersen’s powerful Bench & Bar article, “What I learned grieving the loss of my dad” (Andersen2024), offers insight, guidance and perspective for a difficult journey.
Suicide Prevention: Every Lawyer’s Opportunity
What are the signs and what can I say? This article will provide some guidance on reducing our risk. Additional resources are available here.
Just Ask: How We Must Stop Minding Our Own Business in the Legal World is a powerful suicide prevention video created by the Texas Lawyer Assistance program with the assistance of the Pennsylvania LAP. You may access the video and other suicide prevention resources here.
We recognize that content like this can be triggering for some. The video begins with a warning and offers support and encouragement to reach out to others.
Advance Notice of Upcoming CLEs & Events
We’ve had several requests from lawyers to provide email notifications of upcoming CLEs. So many, in fact, that we’ve developed a monthly email specifically for the purpose of letting people know what CLEs and events are planned, when they are scheduled, and registration information.
If you want to get on the mailing list, just provide the following information. You’ll receive an email from Vertical Response, the service we use, asking you to confirm your email address. You can cancel at any time by clicking on the “Unsubscribe” link contained in each newsletter.