Women and Problem Gambling
Women and Gambling Blog
The blog’s stated mission is “to raise awareness and increase the capacity of service providers in the advocacy, prevention, intervention, and treatment of women experiencing problems with gambling and those impacted by them.”
Articles and Publications
“Can Women Become Gambling Addicts?” by Marilyn Lancelot (2011).
This article includes a historical overview of female gambling in the U.S. and what recovery is like for women who want to stop gambling.
“Tips for women in early gambling recovery,” Marilyn Lancelot (2014). https://mnlcl.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Tips-for-women-in-early-gambling-recovery.pdf
Women and Substance Use
Women for Sobriety, Inc., P.O. Box 618, Quakertown, PA 18951. (212) 536-8026
Women for Sobriety, Inc. (WFS) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping women overcome alcoholism and other addictions. It is the first national self-help program for women alcoholics. WFS’s “New Life” Program (https://womenforsobriety.org/new-life-program/) helps achieve sobriety and sustain ongoing recovery. WFS has been providing services to women alcoholics since July 1976. Based upon Thirteen Acceptance Statements (https://womenforsobriety.org/new-life-program/) of positivity that encourages emotional and spiritual growth, the “New Life” Program has been highly effective in helping women overcome their addictions and embrace a new positive lifestyle.
Women’s Health Watch
Harvard Health Publications / Harvard Medical School Health Newsletters
Harvard Health Publications offers a subscription newsletter which is a good resource for women’s health issues, including a searchable archive of articles discussing how gender impacts susceptibility to substance use disorders, addiction, recovery, and risk of reoccurrence.
Very Well Mind
This website is a popular consumer-facing psychology and well-being resource covering many topics and facets of mental well-being. The article “Women and the Effects of Alcohol (https://www.verywellmind.com/women-and-the-effects-of-alcohol-63794)” highlights some of the gender-specific consequences women face when using alcohol.
Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation, P.O. Box 11, 15251 Pleasant Valley Rd, Center City, MN 55012-11
24-hour Helpline (800) 257-7810 | (651) 213-4200
Founded in Minnesota in 1949, the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation is one of the world’s largest and most respected private not-for-profit alcohol and drug addiction treatment centers. Hazelden Library focuses on the multidisciplinary topics of substance use disorder, treatment, recovery, spirituality, relationships, and family.
Articles and Publications
UNODC Substance Abuse Treatment and Care for Women: Case Studies and Lessons Learned (https://www.unodc.org/pdf/report_2004-08-30_1.pdf). United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) (2004). This publication concerns treatment for substance abuse by women that is gender-responsive. The focus is on illicit drugs but recognizes most women with substance use problems are often poly-substance users and includes alcohol.
The Handbook of Addiction Treatment for Women: Theory and Practice edited by Shulamith Lala Ashenberg Strausner and Stephanie Brown
Drinking a Love Story by Caroline Knapp
Drinking Diaries: Women Serve Their Stories Straight Up Leah Odze Epstein and Caren Osten Gerszberg, Eds.
Gripped by Gambling by Marilyn Lancelot
She Bets Her Life: A True Story of Gambling Addiction by Mary Sojourner M.A.
Taking Back Your Life: Women and Problem Gambling by Diane Rae Davis Ph.D.
Is It Love or Is It Addiction by Brenda Schaeffer
A Woman’s Way Through the Twelve Steps by Stephanie Covington
Men and Substance Use
Articles and Publications
A Man’s Way Through the Twelve Steps by Dan Griffin.
Touchstones: A Book of Daily Meditations for Men by Hazelden Publishing
Wisdom to Know: More Daily Meditations for Men by Hazelden Publishing
Message in a Bottle: Stories of Men and Addiction by Jefferson Singer
Men’s Issues in Recovery: The Ten Myths of Manhood by Craig Nakken
Men’s Work Workbook Set by Paul Kivel includes Growing Up Male: Identifying Violence in My Life; Anger, Power, Violence and Drugs: Breaking the Connections; Becoming Whole: Learning New Roles, Making New Choices.
Men and Intimacy
Articles and Publications
The Centerfold Syndrome: How Men Can Overcome Objectification and Achieve Intimacy with Women by Gary R. Brooks, Ph.D.